5 Things We Learned... Valérie Novello

Valérie Novello is a Franco-Italian artist with a highly sensitive body of work, at the frontier of sculpture, painting and drawing. Her nature-inspired art captured our attention - seemingly living, breathing, growing but ultimately cleverly crafted mixed-media.

A graduate of the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts de Paris, Novello has patiently built up, in the secrecy of the studio, a rich, diverse and profound body of work revealed to the public since 2019 by her numerous exhibitions in Belgium, Italy, France and Taiwan. Mainly graphic, her work unfolds at the limits of drawing and sculpture, associating in the treatment of paper techniques of drawing and bas-reliefs, and pushing the territory of drawing towards the domains of glass, wax and plaster, through works that are often monumental.

Here are 5 Things We Learned about Valérie.

What made you...you?

A trip to Italy to the land of my ancestors. I visited a place near Lake Orta with life-size polychrome terracotta sculptures from the 15th century, accompanied by frescoes. I knew at that moment that my life had changed. I understood that I would be an artist, even if I didn’t really know what that word meant. I was ten years old.

When are you happiest?

When I am in Italy in the heart of nature and I observe its infinite strength and subtlety. I walk in places that connect me to those who came before me. I then feel protected and fully alive.

Would you rather have a muse or be a muse?

I would much rather have a muse! I absolutely don’t like being the center of attention. I love to devour beauty, I love to be amazed and surprised by its variety.

Who do you admire?

All people who hold their ideal very close to themselves and who move forward in this quest.

What is important?

When I am in my studio, absorbed by my research into materials, shapes and colors. I like to taste this solitary adventure knowing that I will be able to share it.

Portrait and all images provided by courtesy of Valérie Novello



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